The King’s Dome Episodes

For two main reasons, the Holy Spirit led and prepared me to write the TV series The King’s Dome:

1.) Most Believers are under the impression that Christ has abolished the Torah (Law of God). Indeed, God’s Torah has NOT been abolished (Matthew 5:17-18). To be clear, Believers of faith are not justified by the law (Galatians 2:16), but we are required to keep the law in spirit and truth (Matthew 7:23, Romans 3:31, Hebrews 10:16).

2.) The road of spiritual growth and relationship between a Believer and God begins here on earth. In order to be ready for their eternal home, Heaven, Believers must serve and love God with all of their hearts and obey all of His commands while they are here on earth. Most Christians have convinced themselves that they can live bland, unrepentant, mediocre lives as Christians and still die and go to Heaven. They’re mistaken. (Matthew 7:13-14)

Because the end times are drawing close, God is using the King’s Dome television series as a platform to summon all of humanity to repentance and follow Jesus Christ. (John 14:6) “I am the way the truth and life.” (John 21:19) “Follow Me!”

Blessings to everyone who repent of their sins and follow Jesus Christ as a result of The King’s Dome, a work of God. I tell you the truth, the King’s Dome television series is a work that is inspired by God; anyone who tries to steal it will be cursed.

NOTE: The episodes include 4 acts + teaser. Some episodes include A and B story lines, while other episodes include an A story + runner.  If you would like to help bring these teleplays to life contact Michell..


The King’s Dome Principal Characters


He's the face of the King's dome. Every episode begins with Zoariah giving the viewers an overview of THE ASSIGNMENT and the subject matter. The biographies and life history of the assignments are included in the BIG BOOK. It is also, Zoariah's, responsibility to inform the assignment of their purpose for visiting the King's dome.


A pleasant-faced man who would appear to be around 35 years of age, weight-height proportionate. Despite being Jewish, he can pass for a white man. There's a sort of sweet and holy demeanor about the fellow, go figure. Michael's an angel of God sent into the world to help the assignment discern the truth of God by exposing the devil's lies.


She stands out like a cloud in the blue sky. Long, beautiful red hair. Alluring eyes. Toned and curvy, her skin as soft as her voice. Beyond the Nile of beauty lie an evil, conniving fallen angel whose sole mission is to destroy men's souls, employing everything from lies and deceit to her incredible beauty to get the job done.




The King’s Dome Written Episodes

Challenged By Faith (Pilot)
Logline: A man's faith is challenged after his wife dies of cancer.
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