The King's Dome Television Series


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The World

The King’s Dome is a fictional world. One should not assume that a second chance at life will be granted after death as noted in Hebrews 9:27: “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment".

THE KING’S DOME is located somewhere in the depths of outer space. As you can see, the exterior resembles the planets in our solar system, roundabout and brilliant only its surface is studded with 100,000 carat of diamond which glitter divinely, stunning! For a description of THE KING’S DOME. Buckle up!

Show Inspiration

In addition to receiving a warning from my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I spent what felt like an eternity being tormented by evil spirits.

My Testimony

I was inspired to develop the King’s Dome television series to warn people about the truth of hellfire and to urge repentance after receiving a warning from Jesus Christ in a vision to turn completely away from evil in order to be in Heaven with him.

Salvation Truths

Even if you abstain from smoking, drinking, lying, partying, stealing, cheating, or any other prohibited behavior, you still require Jesus since none of us is worthy of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). Note that God’s idea of good differs from man’s.

Salvation Checklist

To be forgiven, we must extend forgiveness to others, no matter how severely they have wronged us. To serve as a reminder of our purpose for existing, I have devised a checklist.