The King's Dome Television Series



Frequently ask questions.

The Relationship

MICHELLE: I’m extremely aware of my obligations as a Christian. It is evident to me that interacting with people in a loving attitude is essential. With God’s grace, I try my hardest to live a morally upright life in both thought and behavior. According to James 4:8, if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. My desire for righteousness grows as God draws nearer to me.

MICHELLE: To each his own. The most crucial thing to keep in mind is to turn from your sins and include the Lord in every area of your life. While some Christians enjoy sitting in church, others enjoy reading their Bibles every day. While some Christians love visiting holy places abroad, others might rather observe the Sabbath on the seventh day with their loved ones. To sum up, it is totally up to you how you choose to spend your time with Jesus; just keep in mind that you should incorporate Him in all areas of your life.

MICHELLE: I’m really thrilled when the Lord shows Himself in a big way. I’ll provide you with a few instances. A few years back, someone deliberately tried to make my life at work as miserable as possible. To make a long tale short, I brought it up to My Lord in prayer. When I arrived at work one day, the concerned individual wasn’t present. She had been fired!

MICHELLE: When I was a new Christian, it was hard for me to do everything in the timing and the will of Christ. To be honest, I battled the Lord a lot at this time. The hardest part these days is waiting. It seems like the Lord takes a very long time to answer my requests for direction or advice.

MICHELLE: Since the Holy Spirit has shown to me the true nature of humanity in a fallen world, it has become extremely difficult for me to LIKE other people or even myself. However, I do love people because my heart is a manifestation of God’s love.

MICHELLE: My daughter has learned to speak to God in private and pray about anything that’s on her mind. She is taught to respect God by taking care of her body through her diet and attire. It has been instilled in her that manners matter. My daughter has been trained to choose her companions based on the moral qualities they possess. She is a talented artist, and her works honor God. She has several Christian workbooks, and we frequently play Godly activities together on the internet. I’m teaching my daughter to prioritize God in her life and to appreciate God in many ways. God and God alone must come first, not your parents or grandparents or even yourself.

Salvation & Sacrifices

MICHELLE: There are two different types of baptism of which I am aware:

WATER BAPTISM symbolizes the believer’s total trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as a commitment to live obediently to Him, but it is not an entrance into Christianity. Instead we are baptized because our Lord commanded it and because we obey Him. (Matthew 28:19).

Before we are baptized we must come to believe that we are sinners in need of salvation (Romans 3:23). We must also believe that Christ died on the cross to atone for our sins, that He was buried, and that He was resurrected. At the river, pool or baptismal font, we let ourselves be completely immersed in the water. This symbolizes burial with our Lord; we are baptized into His death on the cross and are no longer slaves to self or sin (Romans 6:3-7). When we are raised out of the water, we are symbolically resurrected—raised to our new life in Christ and to be with Him forever, born into the family of our loving God (Romans 8:16).

The fact that baptism is not a prerequisite for salvation is best seen in the example of a saved man who was not baptized in water, the criminal on the cross (Luke 23:39-43). This self-confessed sinner came to acknowledge Jesus as his Lord while dying on a cross next to Him, and he asked for salvation and was forgiven of his sins. Although he never experienced water baptism, at that moment he was baptized into Christ’s death, and he then was raised to life by the power of his Christ’s word (Hebrews 1:3)

HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM is a prerequisite for salvation. Here is where you become ‘born again’ baptized into the family of God by Christ Himself (Luke 3:16). After you’ve been baptized with the Holy Spirit, from glory-to-glory, your relationship with Christ will begin to blossom. During this time God will begin to establish His kingdom and His law inside your heart, a place with Christ will reign King, so long as we give Him the freedom to do so.

MICHELLE: The gift of salvation is freely given to humanity. As a result, we are unable to merit admission to heaven. The Holy Bible clearly states that everyone who rejects Christ will burn in hell (Revelation 21:8, Mark 16:16).

MICHELLE: Let me start of by saying that there are two types of Christians:

REPENTANT CHRISTIANS – We acknowledge our wrongdoings and express our regret to God. In response, God grants us His Spirit, also known as the Holy Spirit, who supports, encourages, and leads us on the path to righteousness.

UNREPENTANT CHRISTIANS – They refuse the path of righteousness because they love the life of sin. The bible clearly states that they will go to hell if they don’t repent, but they still sin for sport — over and over again — with little to no remorse.

Jesus Christ died for REPENTANT CHRISTIANS. (Luke 13:3).

Christians must always be clothed in the righteousness of Christ since we cannot predict with certainty when we shall die or when the Lord will return to earth (Luke 12:40, Revelation 3:3). Please, don’t play about with sin. In actuality, when we choose to sin, devils have the right to harm us. Knowing full well that unrepentant Believers will go to hell after physical death; the spirit of darkness will sit back and wait for a chance to take the life of an unrepentant believer, consequently robbing them of salvation.

MICHELLE: The scriptures declare that Eternal Life is found in Paradise (Matthew 25:46, Luke 23:43) and that Christ Himself is Eternal Life (I John 1:2). Thus, without Christ, it is impossible to enter Paradise (John 10:9).

MICHELLE: Congratulations! You have made Christ the Lord the center of your life. You will eventually begin to see the world as God does, from glory to glory, as long as you cling to Christ. There won’t be as much desire to hang out with friends and family that practice sin. People will notice your transformation. They will misunderstand it. They will laugh at you and gossip behind your back—ALL NORMAL. Remember, there aren’t many true Christians in the world, but you will come across them at some point. Continue to be resilient. Your reward in Heaven is great! (Matthew 19:21, Revelation 22:12).

Jesus Christ & Father God

MICHELLE: Reconcilor (between God and man).


MICHELLE: The Bible is replete with convincing evidence. See for yourself the prophesies that have come to pass.

MICHELLE: Marriage was established by God for men and women.”For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh”. Therefore, it was intended that sexual activity take place inside the bounds of marriage.


MICHELLE: The scripture tells us to focus our time and energy on God. God will faithfully provide for our necessities in exchange. A few years ago, as I was attempting to reduce weight, I had enlightenment here. When I changed my goal from being attractive and slender to growing healthier for God so that I would live long enough to complete the race in Christ, the weight fell off with ease. When we shift our focus from me and my needs to God and His will, we’re not thinking about apple pie and ice cream anymore. We gain self-control by the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22–23), which will benefit us in many facets of daily life, not only weight loss.


MICHELLE: According to Matthew 22:14, the majority of Christians will not enter paradise. Church leaders make up a large portion of these Christians. Jesus mentioned in Matthew 23:25 how some religious leaders have an outward appearance of perfection but are really full of excess and extortion. We all want nice things in life, like a car or a house. God is not at all bothered by that. However, living in excess is wicked, regardless of the amount of money given away. Why? POVERTY Living in extravagant pleasure will be a major issue with God as long as poverty persists.

All of humanity is one family to God. We are aware of this since everyone on the planet is a direct result of the sins of Adam and Eve. Similarly, by the death of one man, Jesus Christ, the gift of eternal life is given to the entire human race (Romans 5:12-21). Human beings were created to operate inter-dependently, bearing one another’s burdens, and therefore anyone living in excess, Christian and non-Christian alike, will die broke, without true riches Jesus Christ, and will not go to Heaven (Matthew 6:24, Matthew 19:21-24).

A true Christian is so full of Christ that worldly riches are counted as nothing. True Christians understand that if we lose Jesus we lose everything. We awake to Christ. We live to Christ. We lay down to Christ.  We FOLLOW Christ! The true Christian sets out to please God by making right choices, using scripture and revelation as a tool of guidance. A true Christian may not be perfect, but his daily goal is perfect obedience toward God. A true Christian dedicates and surrenders his whole life to Christ, permitting the Lord to take control and use him as an instrument for His own good will here on earth.

Realize that although doing good deeds is a vital part of living a Christian life, a Believer’s worldliness does not delight God (Psalm 51:16–17, I John 2:15). When Jesus Christ spoke of giving up your life in Matthew 16:25, He did not mean physical death. Christ is advocating for the abolition of materialistic pleasures and an immoral way of life. If Believers are to receive paradise beyond this life, then everything that comes from the world—materialism, self-righteousness, vanity, gossip, sexual immorality, drunkenness, and wicked thoughts—must be eliminated from their lives (I John 2:15-16).


SACRIFICE – You are not of your own. Christ bought you back from the devil with His blood (I Corinthians 6:19-20, Acts 20:28). True Christians, from glory-to-glory, sacrifice all ungodliness (with Holy Spirit’s help) in deed (Galatians 5:19-21) thought (Matthew 5:28) speech (Matthew 15:11).

SERVITUDE – The Son of man came to serve, not be served (Mark 10:45). Here we see the work of a true Christian–serving fellow human beings in a spirit of love.

SELFLESSNESS – It’s not about you anymore (Luke:11, Romans 15:1-3). As many churchgoers—including several well-known religious leaders—do, Christians are not supposed to live off of millions of dollars. Less of the world, more of Christ, lies at the core of a true Christian.

SURRENDER – Whole surrender to the righteousness of Christ. With God, it’s all or nothing. You are either a follower of Christ or you are not (Mark 10:21–25). Releasing oneself to God’s will and to Christ demands constant dedication.

SELF CONTROL – Over your physical and mental selves (Proverbs 16:32; Romans 6:12). As long as you heed to the Spirit of God within you, self control will eventually emerge (Galatians 5:22–23).

STILLNESS – God lives and communicates inside the hearts of Believers. As Christians we are required to turn inward, be still, listen and yield to the Spirit of God within us (Jeremiah 31:33, Psalms 51:6).

SUFFERING – The devil and the powers of evil view you as their biggest enemy and a threat the moment you dedicate your life to Jesus. You will inevitably go through some sort of hardship for the faith, just as Christ did (I Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 3:12) . When life’s storms hit like a furious tornado, those who genuinely love God will never give up.

MICHELLE: Hell is not a question of whether or not God loves us. Hell is about justice. If a man, for example, steal a piece of bread and is caught that man will be punished under the law and justice is served. To die without Christ is to die under the law of God (Galatians 3:13). The penalty for breaking God’s law is death (Romans 6:23, Exodus 21:17) which translates into the second death when we leave earth. The second death takes place in hell. Hell is a prison (I Peter 3:19). In hell we see justice being served for breaking the law of God. The only way to avoid the second death in hell is to obey the sinless one who redeemed us from the law and gave Himself for us (Galatians 1:4, Titus 2:14).


MICHELLE: A repentant heart and faith in his Son, Jesus Christ.  We refer to these individuals as Repentant Believers. Repentant Believers are the kind of people God will draw in (via Holy Spirit), raise up, equip and subsequently use in His army of truth and righteousness.

MICHELLE: A relationship. As a species, humans are special because God made us in His image. It is undeniable that God created humans specifically for intimate relationship.

MICHELLE:  Ecclesiastes 3:19 proves that man and beast are not very different at all, “For that which befalls the sons of men befalls beasts; even one thing befalls them: as the one dies, so dies the other; yea they have all one breath; so that a man has no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.”

Those who practice cruel traditions like taxidermy, forced labor (seaworld, marineland zoos, etc.), dog fighting, vanity hunting, and the like will not be allowed to enter God’s kingdom since animal cruelty is a symptom of a wicked heart. Although God has given us the opportunity to use animals to help us with our needs, this does not give us the right to abuse or kill them for our own nefarious purposes. You may be sure that someday all creatures will coexist peacefully (Isaiah 11: 6-9).

MICHELLE: God doesn’t turn a blind eye simplty because the world does when a man parades around town with his mistress or a woman kills her unborn child. Acts 10:34 states that sin is sin in the sight of the Lord who is no respecter of persons.

 Note that while Adam was created first, he was in no way superior to his counterpart, Eve. Men did not rule over women until after the fall. The woman’s inferiority to man was one of the effects of eating the forbidden fruit. (Genesis 3:16). 

MICHELLE: Sincere Christians give themselves to Christ. We give up everything for Christ. We give Christ our whole existence. Getting to know Jesus Christ, the one who created and died for you, on a deep, intimate level is the greatest part of being a Christian. That brings with it a kind of satisfying joy.

MICHELLE: The proof is overwhelming in the holy bible. Cross check the below bible verses keeping in mind that Christ is NOT God the Father. Christ is the Son of God, the source of all life and a symbol of it. (John 1:1-3).

Genesis 1:1 “God created the heavens and the earth.” John 1:3 “All things were created by Him (The Christ) and without Him (The Christ) not anything made that was made.”

Mark 2:7 “…who can forgive sins but God only?” Mark 2:5 the Christ says, “son, thy sins be forgiven thee.”

John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” John 1:14 ” …the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.”

Isaiah 63:16 “…thou, O Lord, art our Father, our Redeemer.” Titus 2:13-14 “The great God and our Savior Jesus Christ… gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity.

Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” John 10:30 “I and my Father are one.”

Genesis 18:25 Abraham says to God… “shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” John 5:22″The Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.

Exodus 3:14 God says to Moses…”I AM THAT I AM… thus shall you say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” John 8:58  Jesus says, ” …before Abraham was, I AM.”

Numerous other texts demonstrate that Christ and the Father are one. Here are two excellent examples that show how Christ and the Father are one. Picture God the Father as an organism. Out of the organism comes a cell named Jesus Christ. Even better, imagine God the Father as a single cell that split into two. One cell represents God, our Heavenly Father, the other cell represents our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ, before he became a man.  Keep in mind that human being do not come directly from God the Father; Christ does. Instead, Christ made mankind in His Father’s likeness. There’s a difference.

MICHELLE: The bible tells us that God will use evil for good (Genesis 50:20). Suffering is therefore used as a tool by God to accomplish two very specific goals:

SPIRITUAL GROWTH – (I Peter 5:10) God will use suffering to help us become the people we were meant to be, which will finally bring us into the light and a better understanding of God, ourselves, and the world around us.

SAKE OF OTHERS – No one was created for themselves. Each and every one of us was created as part of a much bigger plan. In one way or another, the struggles we endure in this life will positively influence at least one other person’s spiritual growth.

MICHELLE: The Bible declares that God is all-powerful and wise beyond measure. Therefore, God knew before the creation of mankind that man would grieve Him (Genesis 6:6), but God nonetheless proceeded to create a pair of humans. This would imply not only that God’s love transcends His intellect, but also that God is fundamentally love. God Loves even when He shouldn’t because He can’t help Himself. Love is who God is! God’s Love is strongly illustrated when He sent His only Son Jesus Christ into the world to die for a wicked people. I wouldn’t send my child into the world to die for decent people, never mind wicked people, would you? I didn’t think so.

MICHELLE: Anything or anyone that is worshipped is a god, point blank. There are many gods in this scenario, but there is only one self-existent God who rules over all people, and his name is Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ possesses all the authority that His Father has given Him (Matthew 11:27, John 3:35). The bible also teaches that everything was created by Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:16, John 1:3). In summary, even though Jesus Christ is God and Lord of all living things, he does has a Father who should also be referred to as God since Jesus Christ is one with his biological Father, aka Yahweh (John 14:28. John 8:18, John 10:30, Matthew 3:17).  Keep in mind that, the Heavenly Father is very much involved in the lives of humans as His Son, Jesus Christ, is (John 5:17, John 15:1-5).

MICHELLE: One must repent of their sins, accept Jesus Christ into their life by way of water baptism, and seek God’s word with all of their heart in order to find the one true God (Jeremiah 29:13).

MICHELLE: Color is invisible to God. We are human species to God. The Believers, or those who have devoted their life to Christ, and the Non-Believers, or those who have not, are the two families into which God divides the human race.

MICHELLE: Despite the fact that all people were created in God’s likeness, we are not all His children.  Jesus Christ is the only biological child of God. In the same way that a woman, by marriage, becomes the daughter of her husband’s mother, so too do those who obey and adhere to Jesus Christ, who are the bride of Christ, become the adopted children of God the Father.

MICHELLE: Please open the Bible to Jeremiah 3:8, which states unequivocally that God separated from Israel giving her “a certificate of divorcement”. Then look at Deuteronomy 18:15 and Mark 9:7, which attest to the fact that Jesus Christ is God the Father’s chosen one. After that, read Galatians 3:27-28 which affirms that anyone (jew or gentile) who follows Jesus Christ (the chosen one) ultimately becomes God’s the Father’s chosen one.

In conclusion, Jesus Christ, along with those who have committed their lives to Him, are the chosen ones of God the Father.

MICHELLE: Given all that Jesus Christ has accomplished for humanity including dying in our place and making us right with the Father , Believers shouldn’t be concerned about the Lord’s outward appearance. I know of one person who had a near-death experience who claimed to have encountered Jesus and heard Him say that He shows up to people as they envision him in order for them to recognize him. Having said that, back in the day, I begged ardently to Father God for a face-to-face encounter with His Son. I told the Father that it didn’t matter to me what color Jesus was or how he looked. When Jesus did ultimately show himself to me, he appeared in a white gown and stood around 5 feet 10 or 11 inches tall with a slender build and shoulder-length dark brown hair. His dark brown, childlike eyes drew me in, and he looked me in the eyes with a humility and gentleness. The Lord, in my opinion, has Jewish facial features.

MICHELLE:  Anyone who thinks they are good is either in denial or spiritually blind. The Bible clearly states that man has had wicked tendencies from his youth (Genesis 6:5). That said, many people do good deeds but none are “good” in God’s eyes. God alone is good (Mark 10:8).

Satan & Hell

MICHELLE: Since man finds life, joy, and fullness in the Truth (Jesus Christ), all of the world’s alleged pleasures—every single one of them—were created by Satan to draw people away from the Truth and God.

Satan’s the one responsible for the pain and suffering I’ve endured over the course of my life. But for the fact that, I now live in the light of Christ and can see, I’d still be stumbling all over the place, worst off dead and gone. When a person does me wrong, I remind myself who’s behind it — the devil. I actually hate the devil with a passion. I hate him for stealing precious years of my life away. I hate him for turning humans against one another. I hate him for the sake of the suffering world and for bullying the young, the blind, and the weak. As I lie sleep, I hate the devil for provoking dreams of lust and sin. Yes, it is he — the prince of the power of the air — who plants dreams of lust and sin inside the souls of men. Every time I turn around, there he is cunningly disguised, attempting to draw me back into sin, away from God. Satan’s well aware that if we don’t respond to God’s many attempts to save us over the course of our natural life, we will die in our sins and inherit death — which is a spiritual death –cut off from God, judged by God, punished by God in hell. I have seen and have been tormented by demons. HELL IS VERY REAL! Indeed, hell is Satan’s will for mankind.

The fact that a crown and a mansion and an awesome Life is stored up for the Saints in Heaven, tears the devil up. Satan is incredibly envious of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. All of this hatred and jealousy Satan takes out on us — the Saints. Given that humans were made in God’s image and are a prized treasure of the Most High, Satan harbors a deep animosity toward all people, including the most fundamentally immoral and godless among us.

MICHELLE: The devil will use anything, anyone, anytime to move us to sin against God. The devil is the father of lies (John 8:44) and a master manipulator. In light of this, be on the lookout for the following strategies employed by Satan to encourage Believers to disobey God:

#1 FRIENDS/FAMILY – You have chosen to spend some quality time alone with God. Anticipate a plethora of phone calls, unexpected guests at your door, emails from folks you’ve disconnected from or haven’t spoken to in a long time, and peculiar demands or pleas from your kids.

THE SOLUTION: Continue onward with God. To this day, I only plug my phone in when I’m expecting a call, and anyone who shows up at my door uninvited is not getting in. Don’t let the devil take advantage of your time spent with God.

#2 YOUR SOUL/MIND – It’s no accident that the devil is referred to as the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2). Dreams pertaining to worldly riches, sexual immorality, consumerism, partying, or anything else earthly are brought on by the spirits of darkness, which are present around us twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.  This is where the devil wants you to focus more on the world than on God. Where the mind goes, the feet will follow.

THE SOLUTION: Reflect daily on matters of Godliness (Romans 12:2).

#3 YOUR SENSES – The tongue, ears, and eyes were created by God for divine purposes. For instance, unlike what the adversary would have you believe, the mouth was intended for worship and praise, not for lying, cursing, or gossip. The ears are made to hear God’s word and to provide a sympathetic ear to a friend in need—not to listen to obscene or immoral music or to hear friends slandering one another about their personal lives.

THE SOLUTION: Think before you speak, and choose carefully what music you listen to and TV shows to watch.

#4 MASTURBATION – Contrary to popular belief, masturbation is not a natural behavior. Sexual sin is of the devil, just like all sins. The devil courts us when we commit sexual sins. You now understand that the devil is a sexual miscreant and a pervert, among other things.

THE SOLUTION: Get hitched. If you have already gotten married or are not interested in getting married, ask Christ to give you the strength to stop yourself from sinning against your own body.

MICHELLE: Walk in love with people, teach your children to love and honor God, serve the Lord Jesus with a whole heart by shunning evil.


MICHELLE: Demonic forces never stop following, possessing, torturing, and deceiving people in order to take away their salvation. Demonic forces have the right to rule over us when we commit sins on a regular basis.

MICHELLE: False theology and partial truths are dragging people down to hell. We worship a holy God, people. Not only does the suffering Christ went through on the cross demonstrate to us the high cost of sin, but it also shows us that God does not tolerate sin. The truth is that God detests sin! Satan wants us to think that God will ignore the sin in our lives that we refuse to let go of, or that a little sin is no sin at all. Don’t fall for it. In whatever form or circumstance, deliberate sin will not be tolerated by God. In order to avoid hell, one must REPENT and surrender wholeheartedly to Christ. This is the one and only way to heaven, as it is written, the road is narrow (Matthew 7:13-14).

MICHELLE: The bible tells us that hell was created for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25: 41) and that hell is a place of torment (Luke 16:23) and everlasting punishment (Matthew 25:46).

More on hell:

JUDGMENT & PUNISHMENT – According to the Bible, no man-—past, present, or future-—can fully obey righteous God’s law (Romans 3:19–20). For this reason, everyone who passes away without Christ-—the divine lamb offered as a sacrifice to atone for our sins—-will face judgment and retribution.

GOD’S WRATH – Out of love for us, Father God sent His one and only Son into the world to die in order to atone for our sins. For the sake of all of us, Christ endured a horrible death on the cross. If you reject Christ as Lord, you are effectively saying that you don’t value, want, or need the FREE GIFT of eternal life offered in and through Him. You’re also communicating that you want to live your life the way you see fit. Humans undoubtedly have the divinely granted freedom to live as they like, but if you reject God’s Son, Jesus Christ, during your lifetime, don’t expect Him to rescue you from the depths of hell after you’ve left your body.

I tasted God’s wrath back in the day when I was a rebel. In any case, I detested my existence and began cursing God. Soon after, God visited me in the Spirit, and He was enraged. The entire time, my bedroom shook. The television screen began to flicker. Thunder and lightning roared and smashed into my ears. God angrily hoovered over me, and I knew He was not happy with my awful attitude. I lay there speechless and motionless from sheer terror. I have more respect for God now because that incident.

LEARNING –  Christ is not Lord because we make Him Lord, but because God has made Him Lord, and whether we like it or not, all of mankind is going to end up at His feet and be answerable to Him. In hell, unsaved individuals will, in fact, learn the truth about Christ—albeit via excruciating agony and suffering. Philippians 2:10 “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.” Hence, NOW is the time to REPENT and accept Jesus Christ into your life. For this very reason the Father sent His Son into the world to die for us, that we may know and love Him and enter into eternal life, and be reconciled to God (John 3:16-18). There is nothing good outside of Christ for mankind. Christ is our creator (John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:16). Christ is our savior (John 4:42). Christ is all that we need (Philippians 4:19). To embrace Christ means to give your whole life to Him and obey the commandments of God.

No matter how bad things are for you right now, hell is worse — much worse. Don’t let the devil fool you into believing that this life is it. Don’t let the devil fool you into believing that there’s no hope. Don’t let the devil fool you into believing that God doesn’t love or care about you. LIES, LIES, LIES! God is and will always be your source of support. In humility, turn to God and confess your sins. He is waiting.

MICHELLE: Yes. Evil thoughts/deeds are one in the same to God (Matthew 5:28). Philippians 4:8 tells us where our thoughts ought to be directed.

MICHELLE: Exempt from hell are individuals who have died on earth and have not reached the age of accountability, such as children. Keep in mind that teenagers are not children in the Lord’s eyes. Teenagers know right from wrong and will be held accountable for their actions should they die in their sins. It’s very important to teach children from a very young age to obey the commandments of God and love one another. Those who have never had the chance to hear the good news of Jesus Christ are likewise excluded from damnation.

Some people hold the opinion that Jews are spared from damnation as long as they make every effort to follow the Torah’s precepts. The fact is, Christ died for all (Hebrews 2:9), and therefore the rules apply to all (Romans 5:15–19; Romans 1:16; Colossian 3:11). Like anyone else, Jewish people will end up in hell if they do not repent and surrender to Christ the Lord.

The Church

MICHELLE: Nobody who practices faith is an expert on God. Believers develop and learn as they pass from glory to glory. That being said, even if we disagree on particular scriptural passages, Christians can still learn from one another. Just remember that the intelligence of the Holy Spirit surpasses that of man (John 14:26, I John 2:27). When someone begins reading and studying the Bible, they will discover that the Holy Spirit will provide them with all the information they need, regardless of whether or not they attend church.


MICHELLE: I identify as a spirit-filled disciple of Jesus Christ. A genuine Christian obeys the teachings of God (outlined in the Holy Bible), adheres to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and follows in Jesus’ footsteps. That’s all.

MICHELLE: The true church is the body of Christ, composed of repentant, obedient Believers. Walking with God in Spirit and Truth is the best way to learn about Him; this is what David, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jacob, and the apostle Paul did, to mention a few. If someone wants to go to a physical church, they should make sure that it keeps the seventh-day Sabbath, and they should avoid churches that sell merchandise (2 Peter 2:3, Matthew 21:12–13).

MICHELLE: Completing my work in Christ (The King’s Dome), and loving as many people as possible along the way.


MICHELLE: No matter how devout a church leader appears to be, if they are not spending church funds for the sake of feeding the congregation, the needy, and widows,  then they are liars and/or do not know God. Do not believe when a church leader states that the millions of dollars laid up in the bank is for the good of the people. With the amount of suffering in the world, why would a so-called woman/man of God have millions of dollars laid up in the bank except for their own selfish needs? The bible instructs leaders of the church to live a life of modesty, using a portion of tithes & offerings to support that lifestyle (Deuteronomy 18:1-4).  In fact, leaders of the church are supposed to tithe themselves, (Numbers 18:26-28)

Folks, Jesus would never merchandise the church (John 2:15-16, 2 Peter 2:3). You may also want to note that Jesus’ disciples didn’t sell the word of God (Acts 20:33-34) nor did they set out to squander off God and get rich, as so many leaders of faith do. Everything God gives us is free. From revelations to His only Son, Jesus Christ, all free of charge (I Corinthians 2:12, Matthew 10:8). What then gives the church the right to take what God gives for free and sell it at a profit? Follow me?


In addition to robbing God of His glory, televangelists have amassed enormous wealth from the sale of religious content. Books, pins, DVDs, silver spoons, hats, iPods, clothes, coffee mugs, and T-shirts with the pastor’s photo smeared all over the item are all for sale in the name of Jesus. These same televangelists are embraced and revered by new and/or blind Christians.

My advice: if a church sells godly content, run in the other direction. Pay your tithes and offerings to a church headed by Christ, not money. I Timothy 6:5–10 speaks to those who have been tricked by the adversary into thinking that material wealth and godliness are interchangeable. Do not be deceived; our treasure is not in this lifetime, despite what many televangelists who promote an ostentatious lifestyle would have us believe (Matthew 6:19–21). Rest assured, obedient Christians will receive their recompense after they pass from this life (Revelation 22:12, 3:21, Matthew 16:27).

MICHELLE:  Firstly, Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Christ rules. Christ is all. Second, religious people live their lives in accordance with rules created by man and/or a false God; true Christians, on the other hand, live in spirit and truth according to the commandments of the one true God through faith in Jesus Christ.


MICHELLE: This phrase is a great lie of the devil. Believers of faith are most certainly, from glory-to-glory, capable of overcoming sin, but not in their own strength. We need the power of the risen Christ within us to overcome this wicked world (Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Revelation 3:21).  REPENT, be in the world, but not of it, lest you perish (Luke 13:3). If you fall, get back up and keep pressing forward with God. God will never give up on you, don’t you dare give up on yourself.

MICHELLE: If I told you, for example, that I am confident my car will get me to work, even if I take the bus instead of driving myself, you wouldn’t believe me. Declaring oneself to be a follower of Jesus Christ is only an assertion. Acts, such as obeying God’s commands, validate a statement and make it into faith.  Faith is action-oriented.

MICHELLE: Someone who thinks they are an authority in every field. Serving God outside of the Bible and in line with one’s own principles. is another way to describe someone who is self-righteous


MICHELLE: No “new” challenges albeit my flesh is an everyday challenge. You will discover that your flesh will become more prone to tantrums as you become closer to God in spirit. Imagine your flesh and spirit as opponents in a boxing match. The opponent with superior training will emerge triumphant.


MICHELLE: (Mark 10:25) notes that it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into heaven. This verse tells us that all, if not most, rich people will go to hell.  The bulk of wealthy people seem to view money as their god because they rely on it in every situation. The Bible makes it very clear that it is impossible to serve two gods.  (Luke 16:13).

I tell this to the wealthy Believers. In a world of misery, “doing enough” does not exist. Your opulent trips, expensive cars, homes, and lavish parties are not pleasing to God. Every day, around 150,000 people die! Kids are going hungry and they need medicine! You have the POWER to do more! You have the MONEY to do more! You have the RESPONSIBILITY to do more! Please, listen to my words. Don’t allow riches to dictate your eternal future and please, please, please, do not think that you are too beautiful or powerful to go to hell. You will most certainly find yourself in that wretched place should you refuse to turn your life over to Christ and give, give, give to the poor (Matthew 19:21-23, Luke 6:24-25).

I tell this to Believers of humble means. Avoid feeling jealous of those who possess wealth. In fact, the value of one precious stone in paradise is greater than the total wealth of all the billionaires in the earth.  The rewards that true Christians have waiting for them in heaven will greatly exceed any financial gain they may receive on Earth.


Your body is merely a costume for your soul during your stay on Earth and does not contain life in and of itself (John 6:63). One of Satan’s biggest lies is that we should spend all of our time and energy worrying about how we look and buying materialistic items. Don’t fall for it. Outward appearance is of no significance to God until your flesh is occupied by Him (via the Holy Spirit) and used for His purposes here on earth.


The soul is the central processing unit of a human being. It makes all of the decisions. Your soul is what makes you an individual. Your soul is who you are (Genesis 2:7)  Those tender little whispers encouraging us to do/say/think the right things – all God. Furthermore, the soul is where Satan plants bad thoughts, and as you lie sleep, dreams of lust and fear. A fierce battle between good and evil takes place inside the soul of men, every single day. You must make a conscious decision to cast down negative thoughts and take control over the kinds of things that you allow to enter into your mind.


Your soul has a home in the spirit after death (1 Corinthians 15:44). The spirit of a man has five senses, much like flesh, which explains why they can detect things like taste, smell, hearing, sight, and touch after they have departed the body. Your spirit is the portion of you that is composed of energy. For instance, your spirit is where you get the sense that someone does or doesn’t like you The spirit is where Christians become “born again”. Your spirit requires daily nourishment, just as much as, if not more than, the physical body.

MICHELLE: Politics is basically a bunch of man-made laws that govern the world. God instructs humans to surrender to His son Jesus Christ. The solution to every problem facing the world is obedience to Jesus Christ and His teachings. That’s when things will start to get better. Humanity will discover unconditional love for one another at that point.

MICHELLE: Praying in the spirit, fellowship with Believers, worship and praising God, reading your Bible—all of these things stir up the Holy Spirit without you, empowering you to take on the challenges of the day and complete your godly work.

MICHELLE: I inquired of the Lord as to what the Holy Spirit goes through when it is grieving. God answered immediately. I grasp the sides of my head, disoriented and dizzy to even begin to describe. Right now, I don’t know who or where I am. It felt like I had literally lost my mind. It was the worst feeling I’ve ever had. I cried out to God to take away the awful feeling, and after a few drawn-out moments, He did.

Our ability to carry out God’s purpose and live moral lives is hindered when we grieve the Holy Spirit. This raises the question: Is it possible for someone to go to hell for grieving the Holy Spirit? Check out these verses for the answer (Hebrew 10:29; I Corinthians 3:16–17).

MICHELLE: In the words of  Jesus Christ, “he who is without sin let him cast the first stone.” Rest assured, hatred toward Homosexuals is a sin. We are called to love one another. Nevertheless, the Lord considers homosexuality to be an abomination. (Romans 1:26-27). Like everyone else enmeshed in sin, the homosexual has a choice: turn from sin and find salvation, or persist in sin and end up in hell. No exclusions. Scripture makes it quite plain that a marriage is a union between a man and a woman, hence God will never recognize gay marriage. (Genesis 2:22-24).

I implore all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual, two spirit etc, etc, etc, please please please, have faith in the teachings of your bible regarding sin, which state that anyone who commits an unrepentant sin—-Christian or not—-will burn in hell.

MICHELLE: Nobody is born gay. Homosexuality is a condition of the soul where an individual comes to a conclusion based on “feelings”.

Humans “choose” to hate just as much as they “choose” to love.  God would not have created homosexuals and then forbade homosexuality. Come on.  Get real. Like anyone else living a lie, the homosexual must turn from their sins and give themselves completely to Christ. The Holy Spirit enters. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to recognize God’s truth and resist our fleshly cravings.

MICHELLE: As long as a person breathes, sins may be forgiven, in Jesus’ name. After you’ve died, there is no remission for sin. It’s over. Suicide is murder. Murder is a sin. Scriptures clearly state that all persons who die in sin go to hell (Mark 9:43, Revelation 21:8). Hell is far worse than everything you are going through in life, no matter how horrible things are today. Seek God through trials. They are common to all of us. In times of need, God is always there to provide for us (Matthew 28:20, Hebrew 13:5). Seek, and you will find Him.

MICHELLE: Life on Earth is, in my opinion, a very serious dream. Every single one of us will eventually awaken, find ourselves in the everlasting realm in the company of the Lord Jesus Christ, and be required to give an account of our lives (Romans 14:12). All things in this life end, but those who follow God’s plan are eternally blessed (I John 2:17). Herein is the reason why putting your faith in worldliness or fleshly wants is completely nonsensical. Life is so much more than what we see in the mirror every morning and what is around us. Recognize that there are two main reasons why humans are here on Earth:

SPIRITUAL GROWTH – Since heaven is a realm of spiritual essence, spiritual growth is necessary. The essential component of spiritual development is love. Humans therefore need to learn how to love one another for spiritual development to occur.

FULFILL OUR PURPOSE THROUGH GOD’S SON – Every single person on this planet has a certain task to complete during their time here. Your relationship with Jesus Christ will lead you to your mission as ordained by God.

MICHELLE: Fasting promotes spiritual growth, breaks yokes, and provides for a deeper understanding of the things of God and the suffering world. See Isaiah 58:6-11 for more info. The biblical definition of fasting is giving up all food and liquids, including water; however, in a society that values materialism, fasting on any one item will have advantages.

MICHELLE: Testimonies of  near death experiences that don’t line up with the scriptures in some form of way should be taken with a grain of salt. In one NDE testimony, for instance, the woman reached the conclusion that hell wasn’t real because of the wonderful experience she had on the other side. Not only does the Bible declare that hell exists, but prophets, disciples, and our Lord Jesus Christ have all attested to and warned people about the existence of hell. Another person went on the record saying that the bible is incorrect based on his or her NDE. Although there are a few known translation errors in the bible and certain pastors who misrepresent the message of God, the Bible is nonetheless regarded as the inspired word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17  “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: "that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works”.

In conclusion, any belief that casts doubt on the word of God (the holy bible) or implies that Jesus Christ is somehow inferior to what a person saw or experienced during a near-death experience, would be based solely on the individual’s opinion and not the facts. Keep in mind that, without Jesus Christ, there is no heaven and no existence at all for people, and since everything in the universe(s) was created by Jesus Christ (John 1:1–5, Colossians 1:16–17), there could not be a near-death experience  without him either.

MICHELLE: Numerous corroborated accounts from Believers who have been carried away in the spirit to heaven and hell, where human souls abound, demonstrate that these places are currently occupied by human souls, indicating that judgment occurs shortly after we depart from this life. To understand what I mean, just go to YouTube and search for “I died and went to heaven” or “I died and went to hell”.

Jesus stated in John 8:56 that Abraham rejoiced to see His day, “and Abraham saw it, and was glad”.   John 8:56 would indicate that Abraham is currently alive and well in Heaven! Futhermore,  Matthew 27:52–53 and Luke 23:42–43 demonstrate that after the soul departs the body, it immediately go to paradise or hell.

I searched scriptures and prayed to God for clarity regarding all of this. Here’s what I got back:

  • The flesh of man is a mortal body, especially designed for earth, and acts as a house for the soul here on earth.
  • The spirit of man is an immortal body, especially designed for the spirit realm, and acts as a house for the soul in the spirit realm.
  • Flesh and spirit mirror one another in that they both possess five senses and act as a body for your soul.
  • The things of earth stay in the earth, and so when your body dies it goes back to the dirt and remains in the earth (until the day of the resurrection).
  • The things of spirit belong to the spirit, and so after the soul has left the physical body, it puts on a spirit body and returns to that which is spirit God.
  • Since the soul and spirit of man are immortal, they cannot rest in the grave along with the physical body and instead depart from the body either right away or very soon after phyical death occurs.

MICHELLE: Following their departure from this life, all of humanity’s thoughts, words, and deeds-—good and bad—-will be evaluated. The judgment seat will be occupied by our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10). There are TWO possible destinies after judgment. It will go something like this:


You will be carried into paradise by the Holy Spirit and your angels after you leave your earthly body. Congratulations! You lived your earthly life in accordance with what God commanded. Consequently, Christ will consider your excellent deeds during your earthly life (Revelation 22:12). Your magnificent, nonperishable gifts as a co-heir of God’s kingdom (James 2:5, Romans 8:17) will comprise of, but not be restricted to, crown (James 1:12) mansion (John 14:2) authority (I Corinthians 6:2), happiness (Hebrews 4:9), and white robe (Revelation 3:5). Off to the Holy City of God you go where a great life awaits you for all of eternity.


After you’ve died, upon leaving your body, you will be thrust into the stench-filled blackness of hell. Woe to you! You’ve lived your earthly life in disobedience to God’s word. As a result, your so called good deeds on earth will be deemed “in vain” and will not be acknowledged by Christ (Psalms 127:1, Corinthians 15:58). Full of remorse, you will beg and plead for a second chance. Christ will inform you that it’s too late then actually show you how many chances He gave you to repent and accept Him into your life during your lifetime. You will then be sentenced according to the Word (John 12:48) and punished under the law to death and hellfire for all eternity.  THERE ARE NO PARTIES IN HELL. The worst pain you’ve experienced on earth will not come close.

It should be noted that although the devil is destined for hell (Revelation 20:2–3), he would never, if given another option, choose to go there voluntarily. Nor should any human being. Give your life to Christ today! The Lord is waiting, arms wide open.

MICHELLE: Never experimented with any hard drugs – never shared a bed with more than one person at a time – never hurt any kids. Anything else you could think of, I probably been there done that. I was a professional, well-rounded sinner who was miserable, depressed, confused and at times suicidal. But for the Grace of God, I wouldn’t be here.

MICHELLE: I have highs and lows. Nothing to complain about.

MICHELLE: Love God, love others, and love yourself. Put faith in Jesus Christ and abide by the commands of the Most High, as revealed in the Scriptures (The Holy Bible).